150.00 - 200.00 / Piece(s)

200 Piece(s) (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer
Use Enhances Brain Function
Application Clinical, Hospital
Form Liquid
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Product Details

Packaging Type
Blood Pressure
Packagng Size
100 Ml

Utilizing modern technology and high tech machines, we strive to provide customers the best quality available. We as Manufacturer and Supplier of Concentrated Minerals Drops offer you the body supplements to keep you healthy. Concentrated Minerals Drops work as catalyst for all other nutrients. Our well-defined distribution channel allows us to make our products easily available and lets it delivered to you in a flash. We use The Hawaiian Ocean as natural mineral reservoir. The production processes involved are all organic approved like natural solar evaporation.

About CMD :

  • CMD is the most powerful natural health mineral supplement, which contains natural minerals concentrate that restores the minerals in purified water, thus giving the body the supplements it needs to be healthy. It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for the human body. They are the catalysts for all the vitamins and other nutrients your body uses for developing and maintaining good health. Concentrated Minerals Drops captures the perfect balance of those minerals.
  • The Hawaiian Ocean (thousands of years in existence) is considered the richest depository of minerals essential to maintain the healthy process of cell renewal and stimulating blood circulation. CMD (Concentrated Minerals Drops ) has been taken from Hawaiian Ocean, USA which contains most innate collection of Ionic trace minerals formed by volcanic activity over a hotspot in the Earth's mantle.
  • This is one of its types of natural mineral reservoir, which is untouched by outer environment effects.
  • This contains more than 80 minerals in the most natural form, which gives you excellent health benefits. This product has been produced by using natural solar evaporation & other organic approved processes. The quality of minerals depends on the water content mostly; this varies geographically.
  • Hawaiian Ocean is best source of minerals as it guarantees quality of minerals in its at most raw form.
  • CMD (Concentrated Minerals Drops) is obtained from the Hawaii Ocean, which is an endless source of true ionic trace minerals and the oxygenated micro and phyto-nutrients and other associated compounds. The Hawaiian Ocean contains essential minerals including sodium, magnesium, calcium, bromide and potassium etc. 12 of these are very rarely available.

What Makes Hawaiian Ocean Water So Concentrated?

  • As water flows over or moves beneath the Earth's surface, it dissolves minerals from the soils and rocks. The streams that originate in the north of Pacific Ocean and other nearby mountains all flow into the Hawaiian Ocean, bringing in water with varying percentages of dissolved minerals. Since the lake has not passage, all of these minerals remain in the lake. The air is rich in oxygen and is free from pollution.
  • The temperatures are relatively high even in the winter, hence enabling the formation of conductive ozone layer, thereby filtering the harmful UV rays; providing a very favorable atmosphere for the formation of rich ionic trace minerals. In winters the minerals harvested from the ocean through natural solar evaporation process.

How is Concentrated Minerals Drops from Hawaiian Herbals, USA is better than CMD out in the Market?

  • CMD from Hawaii, USA is the most concentrated mineral supplement in comparison with any other trace mineral or mineral product out in the market.
  • CMD from Hawaii, USA is 78 times more concentrated than seawater while other CMD is less concentrated than seawater.
  • The ratio of mineral intake per serving in CMD from Hawaii, USA is extremely high in comparison to CMD.
  • It has been produced as per the International GMP Regulations & is HALAL Certified product.
  • CMD from Hawaii, USA is 100% natural & pure. No artificial color, flavor and preservatives have been added. In comparison to other mineral drops, everyone can enjoy lifetime benefits of CMD without any hazardous effect.
  • CMD from Hawaii, USA contains no side effects & completes all mineral requirements in the body.
  • CMD from Hawaii, USA contains the least amount of sodium as per the requirement of body.

Be careful while choosing the best mineral supplement as some companies claiming CMD purest form of mineral drops in the market but actually they are not because they can’t match the quality found in CMD brought first time in India from Hawaii, USA.

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